How the Top 1% Think
The top 1% aren’t just working harder than the bottom 99%. You can’t grunt your way to the top. High levels of success do require hard work, but the work must be smart, too. The bottom 99% are focused on the wrong things, prioritize short-term comfort over success and fail to take enough action.
The top 1% aren’t smarter or more capable, but they do use their time wisely and manage themselves effectively.
Understand the differences between the top 1% and everyone else:
- Being the only one is better than being the best. One famous quote goes, “Competition is for losers.” While the average person that wants to aspire to great accomplishments is concerned with being the best, the ultra-successful look for ways to avoid competition. Create a new market or field. Be the only one.
- They attack the day early. They get a good start on the day. While the other 99% are trying to figure out what to do, the top 1% are already busy. They have enthusiasm in the morning and make the most of the early hours.
- Action trumps knowledge. The top 1% are knowledgeable, but they know a secret. A good plan that is followed aggressively and persistently always beats a great plan that’s implemented half-heartedly.
- Know what you need to know and then get busy making it happen. An unquenchable thirst for knowledge is often fear in disguise.
- Goals are achieved by systems. A system of eating nutritiously and exercising results in health and fitness. A system of saving and investing leads to wealth. The top 1% look for effective systems to implement. With the right systems in place, goals are attained automatically.
- They have priorities. Having too many priorities results in having none. You can’t be a world-class artist, dog trainer, yoga expert, and bowler. Be strong enough to whittle down your priorities to the few that truly matter the most to you. Having too many priorities is a path to mediocrity.
- The top 1% make networking a priority. You can never have too many friends. Good networking skills can be learned by anyone. Having many long-term acquaintances can be powerful. You’ll have a constant supply of assistance and opportunities. Knowing the right people is an important part of becoming part of the top 1%.
- They make money a priority. They’re not just good at saving. They’re also good at investing their money wisely. They pay their bills on time, avoid unnecessary debt, and get professional help when necessary. Manage your money wisely and join them.
- They are aware of their weaknesses. The top 1% know what they can and can’t do. They avoid their weaknesses or find a way to deal with them. Play to your strengths.
- They focus on the long term. Delaying gratification is key to becoming highly successful. Let the average people satisfy their short-term cravings. Keep your eye on the grand prize.
- They emphasize finding solutions to their challenges. The key to making a lot of money or achieving challenging goals is resolving your challenges. Search for solutions and avoid getting too hung up on the issue itself. Find a possible solution and get to work.
Anyone can become part of the top 1%, but it requires a change in thinking and focus. Set your priorities and stick to them. Manage your money wisely and network like your life depends on it. Focus on developing the right systems to achieve your goals and emphasize action. Only action will bring the results you desire.